
We care about your privacy

Your personal information stays with us

When you sign up on our website or purchase products means you’ll need to provide some private information. We take special care to store your information safely, and will not misuse, trade, sell or pass it to third parties without your permission.

Giving your consent

When you use the Retro World website, you allow us to collect and store your personal information. Occasionally we may update our privacy policy, and post changes on our website. Each time you visit the site please review our policy.

How we use your information

The only times we share your information will be to process your payment, and to ship our goods. We don’t authorise any other third parties to use your details for any other purpose.

We may use your personal information to manage your account, process your orders, and train our staff. We may also improve performance of our website by tracking your movements on it.

Keep up to date

Please email to find out what personal information of yours we hold. That way you can check your information is correct and up-to-date.

When you join us or sign up for our newsletter, we’ll let you know about products, promotion discounts and specials. Clicking ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of the newsletter to opt out of receiving these notifications at any time.

Links to other websites

For your convenience, our website may have links to other sites that we don’t administer. We aren’t responsible for the content of those other sites.